Also see this list on NASA ADS. BOOKS See the separate Books page. BOOK CONTRIBUTIONS 7. Richard J. Massey & Christensen, L.L.: In Visual Strategies eds. F. R. Frenkel & A.H. DePace, Yale University Press 2012 6. Proceedings from the IAU General Assembly 2009 Special Session 2: The International Year of Astronomy 2009, Pedro Russo, Catherine Cesarsky & Lars Lindberg Christensen, eds. , IAU 2010 5. Christensen, L.L.: IAU’s Communication Strategy, Hands-on Science Communication & the Communication of the Planet Definition Discussion, in Proc. from IAU General Assembly 2006 Special Session 2, ed. J. Pasachoff & R. M. Ros, IAU 2007 4. Christensen, L.L., The Pluto Affair: When Professionals Talk to Professionals with the Public Watching , in Proceedings from Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, ed. André Heck, 2007 3. Christensen, L.L. & Russo, P., Communicating Astronomy with the Public, in Proceedings from Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, ed. André Heck, 2007 2. Crabtree, D. R., Robson, E. I., Christensen, L. L.: A Status Report from the Division XII Working Group on Communicating Astronomy with the Public, in Proc. from IAU General Assembly 2006 Special Session 2, ed. J. Pasachoff & R. M. Ros, IAU 2007 1. Christensen, L.L.: Practical Popular Communication of Astronomy, pp. 105-142 in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy — Vol. 4, ed. André Heck, 2003 BOOK TRANSLATIONS 4. Danish translation of Burnham, R. et al., 1997, The Nature Company Guides – Advanced Skywatching (Gyldendals Store Himmelguide, Gyldendal 2000) + 2. edition 2002 3. Danish translation of Burroughs, W. J. et al. 1996, The Nature Company Guides – Weather (Gyldendals bog om Vejret, Gyldendal 1999), + 2. edition 2002 2. Danish translation of Cornelius, G., 1997, The Starlore Handbook (Håndbog til Himlens Stjerner, Høst & Søn 1998) 1. Danish translation of Ford, H., 1998, The Young Astronomer (Stjernekigger, Høst & Søn 1998) SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS • SCIENCE COMMUNICATION & EDUCATION 170. Christensen, L.L & Rößner, M., Planetarium Display Technologies and Creative Production Methods, Shanghai Science & Technology Museum’s “International Symposium on the Development of Astronomy Museum & Planetarium in the New Era”, 2025 169. Christensen, L.L., Riding on Volcanoes, NSF NOIRLab Staff Newsletter, 2025 168. Christensen, L.L. & Lozi, L, Pilot Restart for Kama’āina Observatory Experience, NSF NOIRLab Staff Newsletter, 2024 167. Christensen, L.L. & Matsopoulos T., Unlocking the Cosmos: Leveraging NSF’s NOIRLab Fulldome Video Archive as a Free Open-Source Resource for the Planetarium Community, IPS Proceedings, 2024 166. Introduction, Vatican Proceedings, 2024 165. Matsopoulos T. & Christensen, L.L., Affordable Excellence: Advancements in High-End Fulldome Filming Technology, IPS Proceedings, 2024 164. Introduction, Vatican Proceedings, 2024 163. Christensen, L.L. et al., The Age of Skyviewers, NOIRLab Mirror #8 2024 162. Christensen, L.L., Colorful Cosmos: Transcending Our Worldviews Through Astronomical Imaging, Astrophysics: The James Webb Space Telescope: from first light to new world views, Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), 2024 161. Christensen, L.L. & Opazo, L., Bringing the Public Back to Our Observatories!, NOIRLab Mirror #6, September 2023 160. Fenske, J. & Christensen, L.L., Moving Forward with the Windows on the Universe Center for Astronomy Outreach, NOIRLab Mirror #5, August 2023 159. Lina Canas, Suzana Filipeki Martins, Gonzalo Tancredi, Lars Lindberg Christensen, Eric E. Mamajek, IAU Selects Names for 20 Exoplanetary Systems The NameExoWorlds global contest names the next set of exoplanets and host stars, CAPjournal, No. 32, June 2023 158. Launch of NameExoWorlds 2022 Competition, Canas, L. ; Tancredi, G. ; Mamajek, E. E. ; Tangmatitham, M. ; Christensen, L. L., CAPJournal, Volume 31, p.6, October 2022 157. Lago, M. T. ; Christensen, L. L., IAU Statement on Climate Change, CAPJournal, 30, 5, 2021 156. Hansen, I. et al., What People Want to Know about Astronomy Letters to the International Astronomical Union, Proc. of the Communicating Astronomy with the Public May 2021 Virtual Edition, 2021 155. Zacher, K. & Christensen, L.L., An Unprecedented Global Communications Campaign for the Event Horizon Telescope First Black Hole Image, Proc. of the Communicating Astronomy with the Public May 2021 Virtual Edition, 2021 154. Penteado, E. et al., IAU100NameExoWorlds: Projecting Cultural Diversity in the Sky, Proc. of the Communicating Astronomy with the Public May 2021 Virtual Edition, 2021 153. Mamajek, E., et al., IAU100 NameExoWorlds Campaign: Final Report, CAPjournal 27, 2020 152. McCarthy et al., NOIRLab Strategic Vision (Coordination), NOIRLab, 2020 151. Clavin, W., et al, Best Media Practices for Multi-institutional Science Collaborations, NOIRLab, 2020 150. Walker, C. et al., Impact of Satellite Constellations on Optical Astronomy aond Recommendations Towards Mitigations (Coordination), NOIRLab & AAS, 2020 149. Christensen, L.L. & Horálek, P., Light Phenomena Over ESO’s Observatories IV: Dusk And Dawn , ESO Messenger 178, 2020 148. Christensen, L.L. et al., Science and Outreach Experiments at the 2019 Total Solar Eclipse at La Silla, ESO Messenger 177, 2019 147. Ventura, L et al., Total solar eclipse over La Silla, ESO Messenger 177, 2019 146. Russo et al. White Paper: ESA’s Voyage 2050 long-term plan for Education, Public Outreach and Societal Impact, 2019 145. Christensen, L.L et. al., Outcomes of the Event Horizon Telescope First Black Hole Image Campaign, CAPjournal 26, 2019 144. Christensen, L.L., The IAU Press Office, IAU Catalyst #1, 2019 143. IAU, Big Ideas in Astronomy A Proposed Definition of Astronomy Literacy, 2019 142. IAU, From Medicine to Wi-Fi — Technical Applications of Astronomy to Society, 2019 141. Entradas, M. et al., IAU WG Triennial Report (2015-2018), Science Communication Research in Astronomy, 2018 140. Sandu, O,.Christensen, L.L & Hook, R., Organising ESO Press Conferences: what have we learnt, in Proceedings from CAP 2018, 2018 139. Jäger, M,, Johnston, T. & Christensen, L.L, Developing a free astronomical exhibition for everybody — Lessons learned, in Proceedings from CAP 2018, 2018 138. Rößner, M.R., Christensen, L.L. & Andre, M, From research to your dome: Data2Dome, an open-data dissemination system for planetarium content, IPS Proceedings 2018 137. Christensen, L.L., Scott, K., Teynor, Rößner, M. et al.: “Data2Dome JSON Specification 1.0. A Standard for Dome Content Distribution”, 136. Christensen, L.L.,Characterizing Fulldome Planetarium Projection Systems II — Interpretation and implications for digital non-hybrid planetarium display selections, The Planetarian 45, 3, p.30, Sept. 2016 135. Rößner, M.R., Christensen, L.L. & Ganter, C., Characterising Fulldome Planetarium Projection Systems: The Limitations Imposed by Physics, and Suggestions on How to Mitigate., Submitted, 2018 134. Christensen, L.L. et al., IAU WG Annual Report C.C2.WG4 Outreach information Management, 2016 133. Davies, R. & Christensen, L.L., A Guide to Licensing Astronomy Outreach Products, CAPjournal 20, 2016 132. Christensen, L.L., Rößner, M.R. Rienow, J., Subbarao, M., Yu, K.C., Entradas, M., Hurt, R., & the IPS Science and Data Visualization Task Force, The Data2Dome Project — A Consolidated, Data-Driven Content Distribution System, The Planetarian, Sept. 2016 131. Christensen, L.L., Rößner, M.R. & Calçada, L., News and Free Fulldome Materials from ESO’s observatories, 2016, Proceedings from IPS 2014 130. Horálek, P., Christensen, L.L, Davies R., & Nesvorný, D., Light Phenomena Over the ESO Observatories III: Zodiacal Light, ESO Messenger 164, 2016 129. Christensen, L.L, The community-building initiatives from the ESO Supernova, Proceedings from The 6th International Festival of Scientific Visualization 2015, Fukushima Prefecture, 2016 128. Horálek, P., Christensen, L.L, Bór, J. & Setvák, M., Light Phenomena Over ESO’s Observatories II: Red Sprites Seen from Paranal and La Silla, ESO Messenger 163, 2016 127. Christensen, L.L., Noll, S. & Horálek, P., Light Phenomena Over ESO’s Observatories I: Airglow, ESO Messenger 163, 2016 126. Montmerle, T. et al., EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WORKING GROUP PUBLIC NAMING OF PLANETS AND PLANETARY SATELLITES, in Transactions IAU, Volume XXIXA Proc. XXVIII IAU General Assembly, August 2012, 2016 125. Christensen, L.L., Russo, P., Fienberg, R., IAU COMMISSION 55, REPORT 2012–2015 in Transactions IAU, Volume XXIXA Proc. XXVIII IAU General Assembly, August 2012, 2016 124. Christensen, L.L. & Sandu, O., The Challenges of Planning a Science Museum, in Proc. of the International Symposium on the NAOJ Museum September 2015 in Tokyo, Japan, 2016 123. Jäger, M., Christensen L.L & André, M., Using Content Distribution Networks for Astronomy Outreach, CAPjournal 18, 2015 122. Christensen L.L, Matsopoulos, T. N. & Rößner, M.R., The World’s First Freely Downloadable Full-length Fulldome Show, The Planetarian, Dec. 2015 121. Russo, P, et. al, Mitaka Declaration, 2015 120. Jäger, M. & Christensen L.L, Ten Challenges of Producing an Astronomical Gigapixel Image, CAPjournal 17, 2015 119. Laird, R. J. M & Christensen L.L,, ESO Ultra HD Expedition: New clarity for astronomy outreach, CAPjournal 16, 2015 118. IAU XXIX General Assembly Draws to a Close, Christensen L.L & Shida, R., Kai’aleleiaka (IAU XXIX Newspaper), 2015 117. IAU Signs Agreements for Five New Coordinating Offices, Christensen L.L, Kai’aleleiaka (IAU XXIX Newspaper), 2015 116. Names for Features on Pluto and Its Satellites, Good, L. & Christensen L.L, Kai’aleleiaka (IAU XXIX Newspaper), 2015 115. Olivotto, C.,Cenadelli , D., Sandu, O. & Christensen, L.L. Camping Under the Stars — The ESO Astronomy Camp 2013, Science in School 30, 2014 114. Christensen, L.L., Pierce-Price, D., Hainaut, O., Determining the aesthetic appeal of outreach images in Technologies of Scientific Visualization, Leonardo, 48(1):62-63 edited by Chris Toumey, Brigitte Nerlich & Chris Robinson, January 2015 113. Russo P. , Christensen, L.L. & Cesarsky. C, The International Year Of Astronomy as a Massive Science Communication Initiative, Journal of Science Communication, 2014 112. Cenadelli , D., Olivotto, C., Sandu, O. & Christensen, L.L. Camping Under the Stars — The ESO Astronomy Camp 2013 CAPjournal 15, 2014 112. Christensen, L.L., Hännes Heyer Retires, The Messenger, vol. 151, 2013, p. 61-62 110. Rosenberg, M., Russo, P., Bladon, G. & Christensen, L.L.,, Astronomy in Everyday Life CAPjournal 14, 2013 109. Fienberg, R., Christensen, L.L., Russo, P., IAU Commission 55: Communicating Astronomy with the Public CAPjournal 14, 2013 108. Mark SubbaRao,, Lars Lindberg Christensen, Shoichi Itoh, Tom Kwasnitschka, Matthew Turk, Edwin A. Valentijn, Ka Chun Yu, The Science and Data Visualization Task Force, The Planetarian, Dec. 2013 107. Christensen, L.L., Pierce-Price , D., Hainaut, O., What determines the aesthetic appeal of astronomical images? CAPjournal 14, 2013 106. Acker, A., Kraupe T.W., & Christensen, L.L., Water — A Cosmic Adventure, The Planetarian, March 2013 105. Christensen, L.L. et al., Commission 55, in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Transactions, 2013 104. Usher, O, Sandu, O., Christensen, L.L., How Do We Know What Works?, CAPjournal 12, 2012 103. Sandu, O. & Christensen, L.L., ESO Media Poll 2011, 2011 102. Crabtree D. et al., COMMISSION 55: COMMUNICATING ASTRONOMY WITH THE PUBLIC, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union / Volume 7 / Issue T28A / December 2011 101. Pierce-Price, D., Hainaut, O., Christensen, L.L., ALMA’s potential for visually impressive outreach images, ePOD report, 2011 100. Acker. A, Kraupe T., & Christensen, L.L., L’eau, une historire cosmique, Planetariums 2011 99. Sandu, O & Christensen, L.L., Outrageous Outreach — Unconventional Ways of Communicating Science, CAPjournal 11, 2011 98. Usher, O, Sandu, O., Christensen, L.L., Measuring the impact of outreach, Euroscientist #4, 2011 97. Hainaut, O, Sandu, O., Christensen, L.L., ESO’s Hidden Treasures Competition, The Messenger, vol. 143, 2011 96. Robson, I.. et al., COMMISSION 55: COMMUNICATING ASTRONOMY WITH THE PUBLIC in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (2010), 6 (T27B) : pp 274-277 95. Sandu, O., Christensen, L.L., ESO Participation at the Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, The Messenger, vol. 142, 2010 94. Fonseca, R. B.; Russo, P.; Barrosa, M.; Christensen, L. L. , 2010, Astronomy in Newspapers: Evaluation A Hands-on Guide, CAPjournal, 8, 27 93. Russo P. , Christensen, L.L., Barrosa, M & Pullen, L. Review of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, International Astronomical Union Bulletin 105, 2010 92. Mignone, C.; Russo, P.; Christensen, L. L., Beyond 2009: ESO at the Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Astronomy, The Messenger 139, 2010 91. Shida, R.Y., Russo. P., Nielsen, L.H., Christensen, L.L., Overview of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 web presence, Communiucating Astronomy with the Public 2010 90. Pierce-Price, D., Lowery, S., Emundts, M., Wojtaschek, A., Simmons, M., Christensen, L. L., & Russo, P., Around the World in 80 Telescopes. Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal, 6, 18, 2009 89. Russo, R., Christensen, L.L., Barrosa, M. and Pullen, L., IYA2009: Behind the Scenes in Proceedings from the IAU General Assembly 2009 Special Session 2: The International Year of Astronomy 2009, Catherine Cesarsky, Pedro Russo & Lars Lindberg Christensen, eds. , IAU 2009 88. Christensen, L.L., & Pierce-Price, D., ESO’s Activities for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Proceedings from the IAU General Assembly 2009 Special Session 2: The International Year of Astronomy 2009, Catherine Cesarsky, Pedro Russo & Lars Lindberg Christensen, eds. , IAU 2009 87. Christensen, L.L., Nielsen, L.H. & Hadhazy, A, 100 Hours of Astronomy in Proceedings from the IAU General Assembly 2009 Special Session 2: The International Year of Astronomy 2009, Catherine Cesarsky, Pedro Russo & Lars Lindberg Christensen, eds. , IAU 2009 86. Christensen, L.L., 3D Movie Featuring ESO’s Paranal Observatory, The Messenger, vol. 138, 2009 85. Christensen, L.L., Sjöberg, B., Janssen, E, ESO Open House Day 2009, The Messenger, vol. 138, 2009 84. Christensen, L.L., ESO Website is Now Available in Twelve Languages, The Messenger, vol. 138, 2009 83. Christensen, L.L., ESO Director General Visits the Vatican City, The Messenger, vol. 138, 2009 82. Russo P. & Christensen, L.L., THE EC WORKING GROUP ON THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF ASTRONOMY 2009 – status report, International Astronomical Union Bulletin 104, 2009 81. Christensen, L.L. Nielsen, L.H. & Hadhazy, A. Portal to the Universe — A one-stop universe of news, in Proceedings from the IAU General Assembly 2009 80. Nielsen , L.L., et al, FITS Liberator v.2.3, poster at EPSC2009, Potsdam, Germany, 2009 79. Christensen, L. L., ESO at the XXVIIth IAU General Assembly, The Messenger, vol. 137, p.55 78. Leibundgut B., Christensen, L. L. & Janssen E., ESO at JENAM 2009, The Messenger, vol. 136, p.72 77. Russo, P., Christensen, L. L. & Pierce-Price, D., ESO and the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Opening Ceremony, The Messenger, vol. 135, p. 54-55 76. Christensen, L.L., EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESS OFFICE, in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Volume 4, Transactions T27A, December 2008, pp 465-466 75. Robson, I.. et al., COMMISSION 55: COMMUNICATING ASTRONOMY WITH THE PUBLIC in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Volume 4, Transactions T27A, December 2008, pp 460-464 74. Smith, M.G. et al., DIVISION XII: UNION-WIDE ACTIVITIES, in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Volume 4, Transactions T27A, December 2008, pp 357-358 73. Ros, R., Fosbury, R., et al.,, ASTRONET: Public Outreach, CAPjournal 5, 2009 72. Pullen, L., Russo P. & Christensen, L.L., Preserving the sky during the International Year of Astromomy 2009, Nightscape Magazine 75, 2009 71. Christensen, L.L. & Russo P., The International Year of Astromomy 2009, International Astronomical Union Bulletin 103, 2009 70. Pierce-Price, D., Russo, P. and & Christensen, L.L., ESO and the International Year of Astronomy 2009, ESO Messenger 134, 2008 69. Russo, P & Christensen, L.L.:The International Year of Astronomy 2009, in the Proc. from the Global Hands on the Universe Conference, 2008 68. Cesarsky, C, Christensen, L.L. & Russo, P. , The International Year of Astronomy 2009, Sky & Telescope, Jan. 2009 67. Hurt, R., Christensen, L.L., & Gauthier, A., Astronomy Visualization Metadata (AVM) Standard for the Virtual Astronomy Multimedia Project (VAMP) and other Virtual Observatories, 2008 66. Christensen, L.L. & Gay. P., The Portal to the Universe: A comprehensive gateway to what’s new in astronomy, in ASP Conference Series400, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-58381-672-1 65. Smith, M.G et al., DIVISION XII: UNION-WIDE ACTIVITIES Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union / Volume 4 / Issue T27A, 2008 64. Russo, P. , Christensen, L.L. & Barrosa, M., The International Year of Astronomy 2009 – The Global Programme, in ASP Conference Series Series 400, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-58381-672-1 63. Cruz, M. et al., ASTRONET Infrastructure Roadmap Panel E: education, recruitment/training, and public communication in Europe in the next 20 years, 2008 62. Evans, G. Christensen, L.L., Arcand K.K. & Watzke, M., Taking the public From Earth to the Universe, UK NAM 2008 61. Christensen, L.L. & Hurt, R., A Hands-on Guide to Video Podcasting, CAPjournal 2, 5-16 60. Watzke, M., Kowal, K. & Christensen, L.L., From Earth to the Universe: Image Exhibitions in the International Year of Astronomy 2009, CAPjournal 2, 33-35 59. Pasachoff, J.M. et al., Commission 46: Astronomy Education and Development, 2007 58. Russo, P. & Christensen, L.L., The International Year of Astronomy 2009, GHOU 2007 Proceedings, 2007 57. Russo, P. & Christensen, L.L., The International Year of Astronomy 2009, CAPjournal 1, 18-22 56. Nielsen, L. H.; Jørgensen, N. T.; Jantzen, K.; Christensen, L. L.; An Exploratory Study of Credibility Issues in Astronomy Press Releases, CAPjournal 1, 5-9 55.Christensen, L.L. & Russo P., The International Year of Astromomy 2009, International Astronomical Union Bulletin 101, 2007 54. Nielsen, L.H., Christensen, L.L. et al., Have your Say on the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop Fits Liberator V.3, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007 53. Arkand, K. K. et al., From Athens to Around the World: Taking the Cap2007 Image Exhibit to IYA2009, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 52. Shida, R.Y., Russo, P. & Christensen, L.L. et al., The Future of the IYA2009 Web Site, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 51. Russo, P. & Christensen, L.L. et al., The International Year of Astronomy 2009 – An Opportunity too Good to Miss, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 50. Russo, P. & Christensen, L.L. et al., The Journal Communicating Astronomy with the Public – A Study from IAU Division XII Commission 55 CAP Journal Working Group, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 49. Nielsen, L.H., Christensen, L.L. et al., The Credibility of Science Communication: An Exploratory Study of Press Releases in Astronomy, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 48. Kapadia, A., Chéreu, F., Christensen, L.L., Nielsen, L.H., Gauthier, A.J. Hurt,R.L., Wyatt, R., VAMP in Stellarium/VirGO: A Proof of Concept, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 47. HIll, R., Christensen, L.L, et al. Education, recruitment/training & public outreach in Europe – Findings from Education, recruitment/training & public outreach in Europe – Findings from ASTRONET Panel E, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 46. Hurt, R.L., Gauthier, A.J., Christensen, L.L., Wyatt, R. Sharing Images Intelligently: The Astronomy Visualization Metadata Standard, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 45. Gauthier, A.J., Christensen, L.L., Hurt, R.L., Wyatt, R., Virtual Astronomy Multimedia Project, in Christensen, L.L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. 44. Christensen, L.L. & Hurt, R., Video Podcasting Hands-On Guide in Christensen, L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007 43. Christensen, L.L., Kornmesser, M., Shida, R.Y., Gater W. & Liske, J., The Hubblecast – the world’s first full HD video podcast? in Christensen, L. & Zoulias, M. (eds.) Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007 42. Hurt, R. & Christensen, L.L., Vodcasting for Everyone , in Proceedings from ASP EPO, 2007 41. Christensen, L.L. & Shida, R.Y., The Hubblecast: A video podcast, ST-ECF Newsletter 42, July 2007 40. Christensen, L.L., Massey, R. J. & Frenkel, F., Dark Matter Comes to Light , American Scientist, May-June, 2007 39. Hurt, R., Christensen, L.L.,From astronomical data to art, Astronomy magazine, January 2007 38. Hurt, Robert L.; Christensen, L.L.; Gauthier, A., Sharing Images Intelligently: The Astronomical Visualization Metadata Standard, ASP EPO Meeting 2007, Chicago, 2007 37. Christensen, L.L. et al., The Public Communication at the IAU GA 2006, 2006 36. Kuemmel, M.; Kuntschner, H.; Christensen, L. L., The New ST-ECF Web, ST-ECF Newsletter 40, 2006 35. Crabtree, D. R.; Robson, E. I.; Christensen, L. L., A Status Report from the Division XII Working Group on Communicating Astronomy with the Public, 2006 34. Christensen, L.L., Communication of the “Pluto Affair”, ST-ECF Newsletter 41, December 2006 33. Christensen, L.L., The International Year of Astronomy 2009, ST-ECF Newsletter 41, December 2006 32. Christensen, L.L., Crabtree, D.R. & Robson, I., Division XII Working Group on Communicating Astronomy with the Public in REPORTS ON ASTRONOMY 2002-2005, IAU Transactions XXVIA, O. Engvold (ed.), International Astronomical Union, 2005 31. Zoulias, M, Christensen, L.L., Kornmesser, M., The ESA Hubble 15 th Anniversary Campaign, Conference Proc. from the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference , 2006 30. Zoulias, M, Christensen, L.L., Kornmesser, M., Hubble’s 15 years anniversary, poster at the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference , 2005 29. Christensen, L.L., Progress of the Virtual Repository, in Proc. from the ESO/ESA/IAU CAP2005 Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen 28. Christensen, L.L., Moving the pretty pictures into the 21st century, in Proc. from the ESO/ESA/IAU CAP2005 Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen 27. Christensen, L.L., Nielsen, L.H, Nielsen, K.K & Johansen, T., The ESA/ ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator Version 2, in Proc. from the ESO/ESA/IAU Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen 26. Christensen, L.L & Kornmesser, M., The ESA Hubble 15th Anniversary Campaign in Proc. from the ESO/ESA/IAU CAP2005 Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen 25. Robson, I. & Christensen L.L., Report on the ESO-ESA-IAU Conference Communicating Astronomy with the public 2005, ESO Messenger 121, 2005 24. Hurt, R. & Christensen, L.L., FITS Liberator v.2 Users Guide, 2004 23. Christensen, L.L., Hubble’s 15th Anniversary – Facts about the ESA Project, ST-ECF Newsletter 38, July 2005 22. Christensen, L.L., A framework for a Virtual repository of Outreach Product, ST-ECF Newsletter 37, October 2004 21. Christensen, L.L., The ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator, ST-ECF Newsletter 37, October 2004 20. Christensen, L.L., Latest from ESA/Hubble outreach and education, Proc. from the GHOU Conference Skt. Petersburg, Russia, 2004 19. Christensen, L.L., A framework for a virtual repository of outreach products, Proc. from the GHOU Conference Skt. Petersburg, Russia, 2004 18. Christensen, L.L., A framework for a Virtual repository of Outreach Products poster at the JENAM Conference, Grenada, 2004 17. Christensen, L.L., The IAU Working Group Communicating Astronomy with the Public, poster at the JENAM Conference, Grenada, 2004 16. Christensen, L.L., The Third Communicating Astronomy Conference, poster at the JENAM Conference, Grenada, 2004 15. Christensen, L.L., Selected Topics from Science Communication, poster at the JENAM Conference, Grenada, 2004 14. Christensen, L.L. et al., “Simplicity” on – User’s Guide, 2004 13. Christensen, L.L. et al., “Simplicity” on – an innovative web scheme for science communication, ST-ECF Newsletter 36, Spring 2004 12. Christensen, L.L. et al., En National Strategi for Astronomi- og Rumfartsformidling, Report Astronomisk Udvalgs Underudvalg for Formidling, 2004 11. Christensen, L.L., The Ideal Communication Office, in the Proc. from the “Stars of Paper” INAF workshop, Bologna, 2003 10. Christensen, L.L., Selected Topics from Science Communication, poster at the COMMUNICATING ASTRONOMY TO THE PUBLIC Conference, Washington DC, 2003 9. Christensen, L.L. et al., How to Get to Barcelona, poster at Dansk Astronomi Møde, Nyborg, 2003 8. Christensen, L.L.: Communicating Science: A case study – the Hubble Space Telescope, in the Proc. from the Global Hands on the Universe Conference, 2002 7. Bacher, A, Christensen, L.L: Hands-on work with The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series, in the Proc. from the Global Hands on the Universe Conference, 2002 6. Bacher, A. & Christensen, L.L., Schüler in den Fußstapfen der Wissenschaftler, poster at 52. Jahrestagung der ÖPG, Leoben, Austria, 2002 5. Christensen, L.L.: Science Communication – the case of the Hubble Space Telescope, ST-ECF Newsletter 31, Summer 2002 4. Christensen, L.L. & Bacher, A., The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series, in ST-ECF Newsletter 30, January 2002, 7 3. Christensen, L.L. & Bacher, A., In the Footsteps of Scientists – ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series, in ESO Messenger No. 107, March 2002, 44f 2. Bacher, A.; Christensen, L.L. : A Taste of Real Astronomy – The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercises, in The Universe in the Classroom No. 57, Spring 2002 1. Bacher, A. & Christensen, L.L., 2001, The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercises ARTICLES • POPULAR SCIENCE 40. Christensen, L.L., ESO’s 50th Anniversary, Macrocosme Magazine, 2012 39. Christensen, L.L., 50 Years to Reach the Stars, BBC Wildlife Magazine China, 2012 38. Christensen, L.L., Hubble’s sidste tur på værksted, Aktuel Astronomi 04-2008 37. Christensen, L.L., Boganmeldelse af: Hawkings Uendelige Univers, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 2006 36. Christensen, L.L., På billedjagt med egen computer, Aktuel Astronomi 01-2006 35. Christensen, L.L., Hubble fejrer fødselsdag, Aktuel Astronomi 02-2005 34. Christensen, L.L., Himlen Netop Nu, Illustreret Videnskab, 05-2005 33. Christensen, L.L., Supernova skabte Solsystemet, Illustreret Videnskab, 06-2005 32. Christensen, L.L., Himlen Netop Nu, Illustreret Videnskab, 01-2005 31. Christensen, L.L., Himlen Netop Nu, Illustreret Videnskab, 02-2005 30. Christensen, L.L., XMM opdager røntgenekko, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 03/2004 29. Christensen, L.L., Nærbillede af kometkerne, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 02/2004 28. Christensen, L.L., Exoplaneter i vælten, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 01/2004 27. Christensen, L.L., Voyager 2 mod Solsystemets afslutning, Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten, December 2003 26. Christensen, L.L., Mod Solsystemets Yderste Grænse, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 05/2003 25. Christensen, L.L., Fokus på Solen, Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten, Sunday 4 May 2003 24. Christensen, L.L., Hidtil dybeste kig ud i Universet, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 03/2003 23. Christensen, L.L., Danske Forskere med eksplosiv opdagelse, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 03/2003 22. Christensen, L.L., Første detaljerede billede af et solsystem under dannelse, Illustreret Videnskab, 2003 21. Christensen, L.L., Ringenes Herre, Illustreret Videnskab, 2003 20. Christensen, L.L., Sommerfugle i Rummet, Aktuel Astronomi, 02/2003 19. Christensen, L.L., Åbenhed er en nødvendighed!, Hovedområdet, 01/2003 18. Christensen, L.L., Big Bang Kortlagt, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 01/2003 17. Christensen, L.L., Rekordskarpe billeder af Solen, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 01/2003 16. Benvenuti, P. & Christensen, L.L., The Hubble Space Telescope – 10 Years On, ESA Bulletin 104, November 2002 15. Christensen, L.L., Hubble: The Next Generation, Astronomy Now, Feb. 2002 14. Christensen, L.L., Nej, vi fandt ikke meteoritten, men …, Politiken, 17.8.1998 13. Christensen, L.L., Flyttedag til ny isørken, Politiken, 10.8.1998 12. Christensen, L.L., Højt humør i snesumpen, Politiken, 3.8.1998 11. Christensen, L.L., Jagt på meteorit i gang, Politiken, 28.7.1998 10. Christensen, L.L., Ekspedition skal finde rester af meteorit, Politiken, 21.7.1998 9. Christensen, L.L., diverse “Nyheder”, Aktuel Astronomi 1995-1998 8. Pedersen, E. & Christensen, L.L., 1998, Jagten på Meteoret, Illustreret Videnskab #14, 1998 7. Christensen, L.L. & Rögnvaldsson, Ö. E., 1997, Universet i en Computer, Aktuel Astronomi, Vinter 1997 6. Christensen, L.L., Om astronomi, i Studier på Naturvidenskab, KU, 1997 + 1998. 5. Christensen, L.L., Hermit, S., 1997, Hipparcos – En lille satellit med store ambitioner, Aktuel Astronomi, Vinter 1997 4. Christensen, L.L., 1996, Universets Største Strukturer, Aktuel Astronomi, Efterår 1996 3. Christensen, L.L. & Linden, M.J.D., 1993, Sorte Huller – Teoretikernes fantasifostre?, Aktuel Astronomi, vinter 1993 2. Christensen, L.L. & Linden, M.J.D., 1993, Gravitationelle Linser – kosmiske fatamorganaer, Aktuel Astronomi, forår 1993 1. Christensen, L.L. & Linden, M.J.D., 1993, CCD-revolutionen, Aktuel Astronomi, sommer 1993SEMI-SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS • PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY 3. Olesen, A.V. et al., 2000, De himmelske buer, Aktuel Naturvidenskab #1 2000 2. Christensen, L.L. et al., 1998, Nordlys, Kvant #4 1998 1. van der Poel, M. et al., 1998, Brydningsfænomener i Jordens Atmosfære, Kvant #4 1998 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS • PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY 7. Lang, M., Christensen, L.L. & Kaenders W., Schärfer sehen mit adaptiver Optik : Lasertechnologie für Teleskope der nächsten Generation, Optik & Photonik, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2011 6. Fosbury, R & Christensen, L.L., Hubble’s Bequest to Astronomy, ST-ECF Newsletter 41, December 2006 5. Christensen, L.L., What’s New, HST, poster at Dansk Astronomi Møde, Nyborg, 2002 4. Rögnvaldsson, Ö. E., et al., 2001, MNRAS 322, s. 131-140, Depletion of background galaxies owing to the cluster lens CL0024+1654: U- and R-band observations 3. Christensen, L.L., 1996, Compound Redshift Catalogues and their Application to Redshift Distortions of the Two-Point Correlation Function, Thesis, University of Copenhagen 2. Christensen, L.L., 1996, Mapping the Universe through 3D Visualization of Galaxy Redshifts in the Conference Proc. from ”Mapping, Measuring and Modeling the Universe” p. 177-182 1. Christensen, L.L., Nevalainen, J., 1995, Correlations between Gamma Ray Burst Positions and Multi-wavelength Observations of Various Object Types, Proc. fra Nordic Research Course 10: Observational Methods and Techniques in Space Astrophysics p. 97-130 MOVIES See the separate Movies page. LASER SHOWS 2. Ambient Laser Trance in The Dome, laser show, 1995 (incl first Danish-produced IMAX clip ever) 1. Beat the Visions, laser show, 1993 ART & THEATER 2. Laserpyramide over København, FN summit Copenhagen, laser sculpture, 1995 1. Dust (Wau!) Støv, Performance Theater (technical support), Hotel Pro Forma, 1995 EVENTS 2. At the final exams at Danmarks Designskole 1997, slide show 1. Tripping on the Final Frontier, multimedia event, 1995 PLANETARIUM SHOWS 12. Contributions to Planetarium Hamburg’s Faszination Weltall , 2005 11. Part of: Hubble’s Heritage, (Spitz Immersavision). Louisville Planetarium. 48 seconds 10. Part of: På vej til Mars (the first Danish IMAX-film). Tycho Brahe Planetarium. 80 seconds. 9. Part of: Mission Saturn – Reise zum Herrn der Ringe, planetarium show, Forum am Deutschen Museum, 2004 8. Den aktuelle Stjernehimmel 1-15, star shows, 1991-1999 7. Løvens Himmelbrøl, star show, 1994 6. Drømmen om Mars, star show, 1993 5. Rundt om Solen, star show, 1992 4. Planeternes Udforskning, star show, 1992 3. Den Lunefulde Måne, star show, 1991 2. Liv i Universet, star show, 1991 1. Store Bjørn og Lille Bjørn, star show, 1990See also: and |